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[img2img] Orange Road positive prompt:highly detailed portrait of a beautiful young woman, realistic skin texture, soft natural lighting, cinematic quality, ultra-realistic, sharp focus, vibrant and natural colors, DSLR photography, smooth skin, realistic hair, photorealistic details, depth of field negative prompt:cartoon, anime, painting, illustration, low quality, blurry, overexposed, underexposed, unrealistic pro.. 2024. 12. 26.
[img2img] Queen Millenia prompt:A realistic depiction of a young woman with long blonde hair, styled in soft waves. She has large, expressive eyes and a calm, contemplative expression. Her outfit is a sleek, futuristic white suit with a red vertical stripe down the collar. The background is dark and atmospheric, emphasizing her thoughtful demeanor. The lighting is soft, creating a dramatic yet serene mood. control net: .. 2024. 12. 20.
[C/C++] 프로젝트 오일러 #115 Counting Block Combinations II 프로젝트 오일러 #115번 문제는 최소 길이가 M 이상인 연속된 빨간색 블록과 검은색 칸(구분자)을 사용하여, 일렬로 배치할 수 있는 경우의 수를 조사하는 문제입니다. 다음과 같은 조건을 갖습니다. 1. 줄의 길이(n): 특정 길이 n의 직선 위에 빨간색(R) 칸과 검은색(B) 칸을 배치합니다. 2. 빨간색 블록의 최소 길이(M): 하나 이상의 연속된 빨간 칸을 하나의 “빨간색 블록”이라 할 때, 이 블록 하나는 최소한 M개의 연속된 빨간 칸으로 이루어져야 합니다. 3. 블록 사이의 구분(검은 칸): 두 개 이상의 빨간색 블록 사이에는 최소한 하나 이상의 검은 칸이 있어야 합니다. 즉, 빨간색 블록이 서로 인접한 형태로 놓이는 것은 허용되지 않습니다. 4. 모든 가능한 배치의 수 계산: 위의 조건을 만족.. 2024. 12. 19.
[C/C++] 프로젝트 오일러 #114 Counting Block Combinations I (조합) 프로젝트 오일러 114번 문제는 길이가 n인 일렬의 칸에 일정한 조건을 만족하도록 빨간 블록을 배치하는 방법의 수를 세는 것에 관한 문제입니다. 이 때 사용되는 빨간 블록은 최소 3칸 이상의 길이를 가져야 하며, 빨간 블록들 사이에는 적어도 하나 이상의 검은 칸이 존재해야 합니다. 또한, 빨간 블록을 전혀 놓지 않는 경우도 하나의 가능한 배치로 포함합니다.문제에서 정의하는 함수 f(n)은 길이가 n인 칸에 위와 같은 규칙을 적용했을 때 나올 수 있는 모든 가능한 배치의 수를 나타냅니다. 주어진 예시로, n=7일 때 f(7)의 값이 특정 수(17)로 제시되며, f(50)의 값도 매우 큰 수(16475640049)로 주어집니다. 문제는 이러한 함수 f(n)의 값을 확장해 나갈 때, f(n)이 1,000,00.. 2024. 12. 18.
[img2img] Realistic portrait of girl ControlNet: Canny Prompt:black hair, fair skin, and soft facial features, natural lighting, 6 years aged Input image:  counterfeit: dream shaper:  ghost mix:  majic mix realistic: 2024. 12. 13.
[img2img] Realistic portrait of a woman with black hair, fair skin Control Net - Canny prompt:Realistic portrait of a woman with black hair, fair skin, and soft facial features, natural lighting source image: ghost mix:  majic mix realistic:  realistic vision:  counterfeit:  dream shaper: 2024. 12. 13.